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Thursday, April 25, 2013

can only be recieved....its free

Happiness is relative. There are few things in life that gives us pleasure and happiness, rest we act. Truly if you sit and think about this, you will soon realise it. We may achieve big things, big name or big position but that may not make you happy. Whereas a moment or a simple toy can give you lot of pleasure. My point of writing this article is not to calculate a person’s happiness quotient. I am writing this article to tell a truth about human behaviour. I have read somewhere that man is always hungry so he never stops at one place. Quite rightly said, I realised for myself. Just a year and half ago I was fresher, new and was searching for job. Nobody was willing to hire me. The first job I received of three thousand salaries in a small agency. The agency environment and people were so rude I had to leave the company. Now a year later I am working in quite big agency, apart from few good-for- nothing, others are good. My salary is quite well still I am not happy. I want more and more...and interestingly I find myself in the same position as before, sending my resume to all but none to hire...of course their is nothing available now at least for me...

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