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Friday, April 18, 2014

no loose ends...

My wife is a social butterfly. She loves partying, celebrations, gathering... fun and enjoyment. She is a person who makes her every day gorgeous. She loves inviting people to dinner, lunch or any other issues, cook for them, decorating the house and always ready for a new occasion. Enjoying every moment of life is her sole motto. Given her a small reason she would celebrate each moment of her life. She feels that every moment is gifted and special; one should celebrate it to make it memorable. Therefore, my house became her and her entire communities stashing place. Sometimes it becomes a disco, sometimes a pub or a lounge, depending on the mood of the festival. However, I am not a party person at all and love to stay quiet, but I don’t have any problem with her lifestyle. As I am always busy with my work so I let her have own space and time. It’s good for both of us. Sometimes I join in her some unknown reason of merrymaking. With time, her nature of celebration went beyond her friends, relatives...to friends of friends, neighbours and their families...unending lists of people. Even her favourite actors, actresses, singers, famous celebrities birthdays, success, hits are never a miss. I get amused as how she remembers all the dates and facts. Her ability of remembering dates could beat any history teacher or a historians. However, I, on the other hand is a bloke who could hardly remember any figure beyond sales report. Sometimes I take help of my cell phone to remember day-to-day dates. Though in work, my secretary and my colleagues help me to remind my meetings. As they do all the scheduling. I completely depend on them; if one fails, I will be lost for sure. On our first year of marriage, I used to like her little adventure of celebration. I participated with my full enthusiasm. Anniversaries, birthdays, which I had never celebrated earlier, I did with her in her way. Even first meet, first kiss had their chances. She made every day special and important. Then as time passed all these became very difficult for me to keep up with her. She too found out that I am loosing interest in her journey. Though she never gave up on me, she tried everyday with new hope to engage me in one of her pompous festivities. Somehow, I managed to be absent, primary reason being my job and also my nature in celebration is opposite to her. Where I like quiet place with close friends around, she is absolutely different. Well, I cannot blame her. I am not like other husbands who conduct shopping tours with their wives, carrying their bags, walking to every store, pulling out all the dresses and buy nothing. These habits irritate me. Therefore, I offer her own freedom and I just do the minor work, making payment for all her desires. That way I save time and keep the peace at home. She is happy and I am happy too. Everyday, morning hours are very crucial for me. I stay very quiet and low to avoid her eye contact. It’s not that I am afraid of her. It’s just that I want to avoid commotion over any laugh day, hug day or cry day... last month we had really tough times. I forgot two events, first movie night and first meet and it became a great deal, almost a life stake. Everyday she would test me with a cute little gesture, “Darling, do you remember today’s date?” or “are you free today, we can go for shopping!” and just by looking at my blank expression her mood swings faster than a PowerPoint dissolve. It’s the same story everyday, I will quickly finish my breakfast and leave the house as soon as possible to avoid all these. You must be thinking what a boring and idiot husband I must be. See look at this way, two married people deeply in love with each other will still have their differences. You just have to provide the space to each other and that’s what I am doing. Her happiness is what matters me most. I like to see her happy in anything she does, so what if I am not able to be a part. Ok now you must be thinking why I am writing so much about my wife and our life. Sorry for making you bore but I just wanted to share one funny incident of my life, which changed us completely. And folks who are like me must have faced the same at least once. Here the story goes like this... It was a regular day for me. Like every morning, I was getting ready for my office. Usually this time I am very busy, I do everything in nick of time. I am a late starter and that’s why I calculate my every movement. While sitting for breakfast I saw my wife’s facial expression is unnaturally calm. She didn’t ask me anything neither spoke a word. A calmness, that usually seen before a storm arrives. The look gave a chill to my spine. I tried hard to remember if I have missed out any event or any special day but nothing crossed my mind. I wanted to leave the place at once, escape from her look. Wasting no more time, I got up quickly to leave for my office. For the last time I looked at her, she was furious and gave me a stern look. I quickly went out of the house. Sitting in my car I kept on thinking, have I forgotten anything? Is it her birthday, no that couldn’t be, I gifted her pearl set two months ago. Thanks to my secretary, she reminded me. Is it my birthday? Not possible, then her reaction would be different. As I reached office, the thought went out of my head completely with everyday’s usual work and meetings. As the ended and everyone was wrapping the days work suddenly, a memory flashed my eye. Believe me or not the thought gave me a shiver. I imagined all the possible consequences that will occur in case I fail to remember. I sat quietly in my chair thinking of all the days, dates and important events but I couldn’t remember anything. At last, I gave up. I braced my heart finally and with all my courage, I headed towards home to face her wrath. Sitting in the car, I thought to stop by the florist to buy her favourite Tulip, if that would help to pacify her mood a bit. I drove home quietly and slowly than usual. Tiptoeing I opened the door. She was in the kitchen. There was no one, I found that odd. Hearing my footsteps, she turned around and I immediately froze holding the bunch of Tulips. The next what happened was much unexpected to me. I was astounded! She burst in to laugh and flew in to my arms. “You remembered! I was very upset and angry that you forgot our marriage anniversary. Nevertheless, I am glad! You like giving me surprises don’t you, I love you”, she hugged me and kissed me. I sighed in relief and pretended like a professional actor, “of course I knew my wedding day! I was...I was just pulling your legs dear, Love you too!” I hugged her back. The night was really memorable and delightful. For a change there was no pompous party, no friends neither any weird ear bursting songs or eye blinding lights. But just us! We had our quiet romantic candlelight dinner at our home in the dinning room. She had cooked all my favourite food. It was delicious! For the first time I was really enjoying every moment of it and thought this moment should last forever. She was looking gorgeous and I was happy and relieved that I finally made to the other side. I asked her about the party, which she said was another blow to me. She sheepishly smiled and said that she has started loosing interest and bored with everyday enjoyment. She wants some solitude and some quiet time with me. I was surprised but was also happy. That moment I fell in love with her once more. After dinner, we watched movie and went off to sleep in each other arms. Finally all’s well that ends well. From that moment onwards, I pledged to myself that I would maintain a diary and keep a track of all the days, dates and important events. As I don’t want to be in trouble again. Luck doesn’t favour twice!! May be now the scenario may change, but who wants to take risk. Therefore, folks I end here today. I appreciate your time for reading my story. Thanks and a small word of advice to all the people who posses same problem as I do. Please maintain your dairy to have a happy life, unless your wife changes her mind!

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